What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

I knew we needed help at the office after we tried to handle everything ourselves.  It was 3:00 in the afternoon and I did not think I was going to get anyone to come help us.  I called your office and you had a group here within what seemed minutes.  I am very impressed with the level of service that was provided.

I felt confident after your company arrived at our home.  The leader really knew what he was talking about.  I instantly felt at peace. I want you to know we think you are a great outfit.

I thought SERVPRO (of Brandywine/Wilmington) personnel was prompt and polite and attentive to all me concerns. THANK YOU!

I always saw and still see your trucks on the road.  I never really knew what your company did until my insurance company recommended you after an accident in my home.  I would like the manager to know how wonderful your company was.  They were so kind and caring. Now I wave to your trucks on the road. Thank you for being a great company.

I felt comfortable while your men and women were working in my home.  They were courteous and kind and always had a smile on their faces.  They worked from the time they arrive until the time they left only taking a lunch break.  I want you to know I am very happy with the SERVPRO team.

I have never met people as kind and caring as your people.  When I called in the early morning this Labor Day, I did not expect to talk to anyone let alone have service the same day!  I want to personally thank the people that came to my home. Have a nice week!

Anita C...